Filters for plate coolers
NEW: sustainable filters for heat exchangers
Discover the latest product from STC Trade: Perfoplast™ filters for heat exchangers.
It is an excellent and durable alternative to expensive stainless steel filters.
Seawater filters
Seawater is an essential, renewable and ever-present mechanical element for a superyacht. The engines of a superyacht are cooled using seawater, it can be used as a fire extinguisher and be chilled to pass through the onboard air conditioning system.
Fiberstrain™ strainers
The Fiberstrain™ inlet strainers are available for fresh and seawater. For fresh water and territorial water, STC Trade B.V. has developed special and profitable polyethylene or HDPE inlet strainers permitted by Lloyds for usage in engine rooms.
Heating blankets
The heating blankets are used as heaters for barrels, liquids, pipes and other applications. The heating blankets can be supplied in any shape and (fixed or adjustable) temperature range.
A new type of lightweight and compact shaver has been brought to market: a new lightweight shaver for glass fibre reinforced pipes. It’s a unique Dutch invention!
In wet and cold conditions, it is almost impossible to glue or weld plastic pipes according to specifications. To make this possible, the Thermobag Infra has been developed.